One week from today at noon on Thursday, November 6, you could greatly help the effort to reduce the impact of QuikTrip on our area by joining Underwood Hills and Berkeley Park representatives at the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) hearing at City Hall Annex in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor (with parking across Trinity Ave. in a city parking garage accessed from Washington St.).

Along with its petition of 360 names in support of the appeal which is being made to the BZA, the Underwood Hills Neighborhood Association has submitted a very forceful letter of support of the appeal. Please view this letter here. As the UHNA NPU-D representative, I was honored to be invited to co-sign such a strong statement of support of the efforts of many to seek a better outcome regarding the QuikTrip proposal.

Your attendance at the BZA hearing will provide confirmation of the strength of the desire of our area for what should be a better outcome regarding the QuikTrip proposal. If anyone desires transportation to the BZA hearing, please contact me If you can show a bit of green in your attire perhaps that will aid in showing our united front.

Eva Nason, UHNA NPU-D Rep

Site plan and additional information on the Proposed Quick Trip
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