In 2004, several residents of Berkeley Park contacted the Georgia Conservancy to assist the neighborhood as they were facing a number of critical planning issues, ranging from major transportation route changes to architectural design concerns. The residents realized they needed planning assistance if they were to maintain the neighborhood’s best qualities and address environmental concerns. The Georgia Conservancy and Berkeley Park Residents, with the support of Urban Design students from Georgia Tech, created a set of “blueprints” for the neighborhood as part of the Georgia Conservancy’s Blueprints for Successful Communities program.
If you would like to read the resulting BluePrints for Berkeley Park, click below to view the entire PDF file.
Other active planning groups include:
Beautification Committee
See projects that need to be completed, items that need fixed or have a vision for the neighborhood? List those ideas on the BPNA project work schedule. As members of the community we can work together for the betterment of the neighborhood one project at a time.
List out the project, location, volunteer to be a project lead and suggest a time line. Members of community can view the schedule and offer up their assistance. Watch for updates in the monthly newsletter.